
Thursday 12 September 2024

Class 10 english chapter 4 poem amanda question answer

Poem - 4

Amanda !

 Hello students, 

इस post में आपको ncert class 10 chapter 4 poem Amanda के question and answer के साथ - साथ extra question  और objective Questions  ( सही वैकल्पिक प्रश्न ) भी दिये गये है।



Class-10th Chapter 3 English

Chapter 4

Question and answer  -:

Q1.What is Amanda getting instructions for?

Ans: She is told not to eat her nails and sit in a proper position.

Q2.Why are some lines in the poem given in brackets?

Ans: These lines are given in brackets because they reveal the inner thoughts of Amanda.

Q 3 Why is Amanda not looking at the speaker while eating chocolates?

Ans: Amanda is lost in her own thoughts and she doesn't like instructions so she is not looking at the speaker.

Q 4.Why is the speaker worried about acne in the poem?

Ans: The speaker being worried about acne shows how much importance is given to physical beauty in a household.

Q5.How silence is golden and freedom is sweet?

Ans: Amanda desires silence and freedom which have been snatched by her mother so she calls silence is golden and freedom is sweet.

Chapter 4

Q6.Why does Amanda want to be an orphan?

Ans: Amanda wants to be an orphan because she is tired of her mother's nagging. She wants freedom and silence.

Q7.Why does Amanda want to be Rapunzel?

Ans: Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she wants to live alone.

Q8. Why Amanda seems to be moody?

Ans: Amanda seems to be moody because she is lost in an imaginary world.

Q9. Is Amanda's mother really nagging? What do you think?

Ans: Yes; Amanda's mother is really nagging mother.

Q10. Why does Amanda think that life on tower would be different?

Ans : Amanda thinks that life on tower would be peaceful and full of freedom.

Q11: How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this?

ANS: Amanda is a school going girl, who must be about 9-10 years old. The things that her mother scolds her for are all typical instructions given to a 9 or10 year old girl.

Q 12:Who do you think is speaking to her?

ANS:Her mother is speaking to her.

Q 13:What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?

ANS:If Amanda were a mermaid, then she would drift slowly on a languid emerald sea

Q14: Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?

ANS: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She says so because she wants to be alone.


Central Idea

                  The poem Ball Poem is composed by John Berryman. This is a simple story of a young boy losing his ball. But at  the end the poet wanted  to tell that we should accept the changes in life.  the poet is missing his childhood days . The boy becoming an adult, loses his childhood.

The true theme of the poem is that we should cherish every moment of life.

Chapter 4

Objective Questions -:

1. The poem 'Amanda' is composed by-

(a) Robert Frost

(b) John Berryman

(c) Robin Klein

(d) Amanda

2. "Stop that slouching and sit up straight".

Which of these figures of speech has the poet used in the above line?

(a) Metaphor

(b) Simile

(c) Personification

(d) Alliteration

3. Which of these causes Acne according to the speaker in the poem Amanda?

(a) biting nails

(b) eating chocolates

(c) eating pizzas

(d) cleaning the room

4.According to Amanda freedom is------

(a) sour


(c) bitter

(d) all of these

5. Which of these messages does the poet want to covey through the poem 'Amanda'?

(a) Children need instruction.

(b) Children should be given freedom

(c) Children must be disciplined.

(d) None of the above

6. The poem 'Amanda' is about -------.

(a) teacher psychology

(b) parent psychology

(c) child psychology

(d) None of these

7. Amanda wants to be an orphan-------.

(a) to feel the condition of an orphan

(b) to enjoy the freedom that an orphan has

(c) to avoid going to school

(d) to play with orphan children.

8. What made Amanda sulk and moody?

( a) when she had to complete her homework

(b) when her mother gave her too many instructions

(c) when she had to clean her shoes

(d) when she ate chocolates

9. Why should Amanda not eat chocolates?

(a) It causes heart disease.

(b) It will damage liver.

(c) It causes acne.

(d) It causes cancer.

10. What does Amanda imagine to be when she pictures herself in a tower?

(a) mermaid

(b) orphan

(c) Rapunzel

(d) fairy


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