
Saturday 27 January 2024

Ncert English class 10 chapter 3 questions and answers with MCQ


Class 10 NCERT English chapter 3

First flight 

      Questions and answer 

1.Why was the young seagull afraid to fly ?

Ans: The young seagull was afraid to fly because it was his first flight and he feared of falling and hurting himself.

2.What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?

Ans: Hunger and the sight of food compelled him to fly.

3. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first step?

Ans: The young seagull was afraid to fly because it was his first flight and he feared of falling and hurting himself. Yes, All birds must be afraid to make their first flight. A human baby is also afraid of taking the first step and finds it achallenge when he learns to crawl or stand up without support.

4. "The sight of the food maddened him." What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?

Ans: The young seagull was very hungry. It was this hunger that ultimately compelled it to fly.

Class 10 English chapter 2

5. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly." Why did the seagull's father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?

Ans: Seagull's parents had tried everything but he was reluctant to fly due to fear of falling down. So the whole family had left him alone and threatened and cojoled him to come.

6. Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parents encouraged you to do something that you were too scared to try? Discuss this in pairs or groups.

Ans: Yes, I had a similar experience while leaning to ride a bicycle. In my initial attempts, I fell down and developed a fear of cycling, but my father encouraged me to overcome the fear and I could ride a cycle after a few practice

7. In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act, and a foregone conclusion that it should succeed. In the examples you have given in Answer to the previous question, was your success guaranteed, or was it important for you to try, regardless of a possibility of failure?

Ans: We face some problems in the initial stage while learning new skill. In the example I have given in the answer of previous question, I was cajoled by my father to learn cycling as it was very important for me to overcome my fear.

Yes, my success was guaranteed because if someone is determined to do something then success is assured.

Objective questions class 10 English chapter 3

1 . Who has written the story 'His First Flight'?

(a) Liam O' Flaherty 

(b) Anne Frank

(c) Frederick Forsyth

(d) Nelson Mandela

2 . What was the seagull afraid of?

(a) running

(b) flying

(c) swimming

(d) none of these

3 . Why was the seagull exhausted?

(a) due to running

(b) due to crying

(c)due to strange exercise 

(d) none of these

4 . Who gave seagull a small piece of fish?

(a) mother seagull

(b) father seagull

(c) brother seagull

(d) none of these

5 . What food did the seagull's mother get for it?

(a) insect

(b) crab


(d) fish 

6 . Why did mother seagull stop midway while giving fish?

(a) to push him to fly

(b) She got tired

(c) She didn't want to give

(d) none of these

7 . The sight of---------maddened seagull.

(a) his brothers flying

(b) his family enjoying

(c) food 

(d) none of these

8 . What did his parents threaten him with?

(a) never to talk with him

(b) to punish him

(c) to starve him

(d) none of these.  

9 . The lesson 'His First Flight' is about------

(a) pigeon.  

(b) pilot

(c) parrot

(d) seagull

10 . What were the seagull's siblings doing around him?

(a) flying

(b) enjoying

(c) sleeping

(d) swimming

11 . What did the seagull pretend?

(a) running fast

(b) falling asleep

(c) crying

(d) swimming

12 . Nobody came near the seagull for----

(a) 10 hours

(b) 12 hours

(c) 24 hours

(d) 20 hours

13 . The young seagull had lack of----

(a) courage

(b) fear

(c) enthusiasm

(d) morality

14 . Who was alone on the ledge?

(a) brother of seagull

(b) mother seagull

(c) father seagull

(d) young seagull

           The black aeroplane            

Questions and answers 

1. "I'll take the risk". What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?

Answer: The risk was to fly through the black storm clouds. The narrator took the risk because he wanted to get home in time for breakfast.

2.Describe the narrator's experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.

Answer: As the narrator entered the storm, his plane started jumping and twisting. He could not see anything.Compass, radio and other instruments stopped working. Then he saw black aeroplane and he followed him.

3.Why does the narrator say, "I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota..."?

Ans: The narrator was happy that he had landed the plane safely.

4.What made the woman in the Control Centre look at the narrator strangely?

Answer: The woman in the Control Centre looked at the narrator strangely because he was asking about black aeroplane but there was no other plane in the storm.


5.Who do you think helped the narrator to reach safely? Discuss this among yourselves and give reasons for your answer.

Answer: It was the narrator's own self that helped him to reach safely.

Class 10 NCERT English chapter 3 MCQ 

1 . Why was the aeroplane twisting in the air?

(a) due to storm

(b) due to night

(c) due to lightening

(d) due to rain

2 . Why did the pilot call Paris control?

(a) to know about air traffic

(b) for landing

(c) for direction

(d) for fuel

3 . The pilot was not able to------ anything.

(a) speak

(b) see

(c) hear

(d) all of these

4 . Which instrument of plane stopped working first?

(a) radio

(b) compass 

(c) speedometer

(d) engine

5 . What risk did the pilot take?

(a) flying into storm

(b) flying back to Paris

(c) missing the breakfast

(d) He took no risk.

6 . Which control station did the pilot contact on his way back?

(a) London

(b) Delhi

(c) Paris

(d) Munich

7 . The pilot was flying from-to.

(a) England, Paris

(b) France, England

(c) France, India. 

(d) India, France

8 . Who is the author of 'The Black Aeroplane'

(a) Gavin Maxwell

(b) Anne Frank

(c) Frederick Forsyth

(d) Eleanor Estes

9 . What looked like black mountains?

(a) tall buildings

(b) black hillock

(c) storm clouds

(d) none of these

10. How far was pilot from Paris when he saw black clouds?

(a) 100km

(b) 150 km

(c) 50 km

(d) 200 km

11 . In which direction did the pilot follow the black aeroplane?

(a) North

(b) East

(c) West

(d) South

12 . What was the name of the plane flown by the pilot?

(a) Airbus

(b) Dakota

(c) Boeing

(d) None of these

13 . The woman at the control tower confirmed that.....

(a) There was no other plane

(b) There was no difficulty.

(c) There was no signal.

(d) The radio was dead

          How to tell wild animals          

Q 1.According to the poet of 'How to Tell Wild Animals 'How will you know that is an Asian Lion?

Ans : Asian Lion is a large and brownish wild animal .It roars while killing his prey.

Q2: According to the poet of 'How to Tell Wild Animals 'How does a leopard behave when he meets a person..

Ans: When leopard meets a person, it leaps over him at once.

Q 3: Who is the noble wild beast according to the poet of 'How to Tell Wild Animals '?

Ans: The noble wild beast is the Bengal Tiger.

Q 4.How does the poet distinguish the hyena from crocodile?

Ans: A hyena is an animal who can laugh. A crocodile is a creature who sheds tears.

Q 5: According to the poet of 'How to Tell Wild Animals What two things does a chameleon not have?

Ans: A Chameleon does not have ears and wings

Q 6: According to the poet of 'How to Tell Wild Animals 'How can you identify the Bengal Tiger?

Ans: The Bengal Tiger is a beast with black stripes on yellow body

Q 7: How does the poet tell us to identify a bear?

Ans : A bear hugs him very, very hard.

   Objective questions poem - how to tell wild animals    

1 . Who has written 'How to tell wild Animals'?

(a)Carolyn Wells

(b) Carl Sandburg

(c) W B Yeats

(d) Walt Whitman

2 . Which animal do you find while walking in a yard?

(a) Asian Lion

(b) Bear

(c) Bengal Tiger

(d) Leopard

3 . Which animal looks like a Lizard?


(b) Giraffe

(c) Chameleon

(d) Bear

4 . Who cries while catching its prey?


(b) Zebra

(c) Tiger

(d) Crocodile

5 . Which is the noble wild beast?

(a) Tiger

(b) Lion

(c) Leopard

(d) Bear

6 . Which animal hugs you?

(a) Wolf

(b) Bear

(c) Jackal

(d) Horse

7 . Who smiles while catching its prey?

(a) Crocodile

(b) Lion

(c) Hyena

(d) Leopard

      The ball poem        

Q1.Why does the poet say, "I would not intrude on him"? Why doesn't he offer him money to buy another ball?

Ans: The poet says so because he wants the boy to learn to accept the loss and the lesson of responsibility.

Q 2.".... staring down All his young days into the harbour where His ball went...." Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it?

Ans:Yes, the boy has had the ball for a long time. When it bounced into the water, all his memories of the days of childhood flashed in front of him.

Q 3.What does "in the world of possessions" mean?

Ans:"In the world of possessions" means that the world is full of materialistic things.

Q4.Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the Words that suggest the answer.

Ans: No, it seems that the boy had not lost anything earlier. The words that suggest so are 'He senses first responsibility in a world of possessions'.

Q 5.What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words.

Ans: The poet says that the boy will learn how to stand up and leave the losses.

Extra Q/Ans

Q.1 What has happened to the boy?

Ans :The boy was very sad because he had lost his ball.

Q.2Which word means 'happily'?

Ans :Merrily means happily.

Q.3 Where did the ball go?

Ans: The ball went into the water.

Q 4. What is the boy learning?

Ans: The boy is learning to cope up with the loss.

Q5. What do you mean by 'epistemology of loss'?

Ans: 'Epistemology of loss' means to understand the nature of loss.

Q 6.Where had the boy's ball gone?

Ans: The boy's ball had gone into the dark water of the harbor.

    Objective questions the ball poem MCQ     

1 . Who has composed 'The Ball Poem'?

(a) John Berryman

(b) Carolyn Wells

(c) Leslie Norris

(d) Robin Klein

2 . Where was the boy staring down?

(a) the sea

(b)the harbour

(c) the ocean

(d) the lake

3 . What does a ball cost?

(a) 10 dime

(b) 1 dime

(c) 15 dime

(d) 4 di

4 . What was the boy playing with?

(a) a ball

(b) a car

(c) a bus

(d) a bat

5 . Where does the ball go?

(a) in bushes

(b) in water

(c) on the roof

(d) in the jungle

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