
Sunday 7 January 2024

Class 10 English Frist Flight chapter 2 question answer


Welcome back students इस Post में आपको class - 10 English ( first flight ) के chapter - 2  questions and answers with MCQ simple language में दिये गये है।

इन ncert class 10 English chapter 2 questions answer को आप कम समय में जल्दी सीख सकते है । 

Class 10 English Frist Flight chapter 2 question answer

 Chapter 2
Nensol Mandela : Long walk to freedom

Question and answer -: 

1. Where did the ceremonies take place? Name any public buildings in India that are made of sandstone ?

Ans: The ceremonies took place in the the amphitheater of the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Rashtrapati Bhavan in India is made of sandstone.

2. Can you say how 10 May is an 'autumn day' in South Africa?

Ans: As South Africa is in the Southern hemisphere, May fall in the autumn season. Thus, 10th May is an 'autumn day'.

Class 10 English chapter 1 question and answer 

3. What does Mandela thank the international leaders for?

Ans: Mandela thanks them for coming to celebrate victory of justice, peace and human dignity.

4. What ideals does he set out for the future of South Africa?

Ans: Nelson Mandela set the ideals of liberating people from the bondage of poverty, suffering, and deprivation.

5. What do the military generals do? How has their attitude changed and why?

Ans: The military generals saluted Mandela and pledged their loyalty. Instead of arresting a black they saluted him.

6. Why were the two national anthems sung?

Ans: Two national anthems were sung to show the equality of blacks and whites.

7. What does courage mean to Mandela?

Ans: To Mandela, courage means the triumph over fear.

8. What twin obligations does Mandela mention?

Ans : (i) The first obligation is towards family, parents, wife and children.

(ii) Second obligation is towards people, community and nation.

Class 10 English chapter 1 question and answer 

9. Why did such a large number of international leaders attend the inauguration?

Ans : A large number of international leaders attended the inauguration to show that it was not just the victory of South Africa but whole world and whole humanity. 

lt signifies the triumph of good over evil.

10. How did mondelas understanding of freedom change with age and experience?

Ans : As a child mondela used to believe that he was free but when he grew up, he understood the system prevailing in South Africa . Where while people were considered superiors. Gradually he understood that it was not just his freedom which was being curtailed but of every black peson of the nation.

11. How did Mandela's 'hunger for freedom' change his life?

Ans: Mandela's 'hunger for freedom' changed him into a great man, a statesman and a visionary. He worked day and night for it. He underwent physical and mental tortures. It was for obtaining freedom for his own people.

12 . Does Mandela think the oppressor is free ? Why/Why not?

Ans: Mandela thinks that the, oppressor is not free like the oppressed. A person who takes away another man's freedom is a prisoner of hatred. He is locked in prejudice and narrow- mindedness.

Class 10 English chapter 1 question and answer 

13. What did 'being free' mean to Mandela as a boy and as a student?

Ans: As a boy Mandela meant by being free to wander in the fields near his hut. It y run through the village. Also it was to roast mealies at night and to ride the bulls.

As a student he meant to be free to stay out at night. It was to read what he pleased to read and to go where he chose. It was also to be as per his potential.

Objective questions MCQ 

1. According to Nelson Mandela, what is courage?

(a) triumph over love

(b) triumph over fear

(c) triumph over poverty

(d) triumph over selfishness

2. According to Nelson Mandela, what is a country's greatest wealth?

(a) its mineral

(b) its people

(c)its traditions

(d) its forests

3. Which party did Mandela join?

(a)National African party

(b) Indian National Congress

(c)Universal party

(d) African National Congress

4. How many deputy presidents were elected?

(a) two

(b) three

(c) one

(d) none

Class 10 English chapter 1 question and answer 

5. What change brought international leaders to South Africa?

(a) humanity

(b) end of Apartheid

(c) peace

(d) trade

6. Whom did Mandela want to thank?

(a) his family

(b) military

(c) patriots

(d) rulers

7.What does depths of oppression create?

(a) poverty

(b) richness

(c) heights of character

(d) freedom

9. A man who takes away freedom of another man is-----

(a) rude

(b) a prisoner of hatred

(c) criminal

(d) innocent

9. According to Mandela, what comes naturally to heart?

(a) hatred

(b) love

(c) discrimination

(d) unity

10. Which flame can never be extinguished ?

(a) military 

(b) crowd 

(c) leaders

(d) villagers 

11. The spectacular array of South African jets was displayed by------

(a) military


(c) leaders

(d) villagers

12. Nelson Mandela was accompanied by------

(a) his aunt

(b) his daughter

(c) his mother-in-law

(d) his sister

13. Who was daughter of Nelson Mandela?

(a) Nancy

(b) Maria

(c) Zenani

(d) Lucy

Class 10 English chapter 1 question and answer 

Poem name -
A tiger in the Zoo

1. How does the tiger terrify the villagers?

Ans: The tiger terrifies the villagers by snarling around their houses.

2. What does the tiger stare at in the night?

Ans: The tiger stares at the brilliant stars in the night

3. How does the tiger act in the cage?

Ans: The tiger moves slowly and quietly in the cage.

4. What does the tiger do near the water hole?

Ans: The tiger should be lurking near the water hole to hunt plump deer.

5. What is theme of the poem " A tiger in the Zoo" ?

Ans: the theme of the poem is that wild animals should not be kept in the Zoo the poet . explain the enjoy and help helplessness of a tiger in the Zoo.

Poem Objective questions MCQ 

1. Who has written the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo'?

(a) Leslie Norris

(b) Robert Frost

(c) W.B. Yeats

(d) John Keats

2. The tiger looks at ------------

(a) cars

(b) stars

(c) house

(d) none

3. Who passes near the water hole?

(a) elephant

(b) buffalo

(c) deer

(d) none

Class 10 English chapter 1 question and answer 

4. Caged tiger the visitors.

(a) terrorizes


(c) welcomes

(d) ignores

5. Where should tiger hide himself?

(a) in shadows

(b) in car

(c) in zoo

(d) in house

Class 10 English chapter 3 questions and answers with MCQ 

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